‘Wow!’: Lizzo, 36, Flaunts Her Body in Photos After Achieving Her ‘Weight Release Goal’

![Lizzo Weight Loss Journey 2024: Photos, Fitness Tips & More – Consumer Health Choices](https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.wQoGMMQkMd1FI3VV-mt3-AHaEK&pid=Api)
Lizzo, the 36-year-old Grammy-winning artist, recently celebrated a significant milestone in her health journey by achieving her “weight release goal.” She shared her excitement on Instagram, posting a photo of herself in a burgundy gym outfit, accompanied by the caption: “I did it. Today when I stepped on my scale, I reached my weight release goal. I haven’t seen this number since 2014! Let this be a reminder you can do anything you put your mind to.” ([people.com](https://people.com/lizzo-says-shes-reached-her-weight-release-goal-havent-seen-this-number-since-2014-8780511?utm_source=chatgpt.com))

Since January 2024, Lizzo has lowered her Body Mass Index (BMI) by 10.5 points and reduced her body fat by 16%. Throughout her journey, she has been transparent with her fans, sharing updates and insights into her fitness routines and dietary habits. In a TikTok video, she emphasized the importance of perseverance, stating, “Sometimes when you want to give up, it’s really just because you’ve been pushing yourself too hard. Don’t give up, just take it easier on yourself.” ([eonline.com](https://www.eonline.com/photos/37314/lizzos-weight-loss-transformation-journey?utm_source=chatgpt.com))

Addressing speculations about her weight loss methods, Lizzo humorously debunked rumors of using medications like Ozempic. She stated, “Y’all are making such a commotion for a b–ch that’s still obese. Y’all are breaking your backs making blog posts about a b–ch that’s still 200 pounds.” She further highlighted her commitment to holistic well-being, noting, “If you have been keeping up, you’ve seen that I’ve been putting this work in, honey, every single day. And not just work on my physical body, but you’ve been seeing the work I’ve been doing on my spiritual, my mental, and emotional.” ([eonline.com](https://www.eonline.com/photos/37314/lizzos-weight-loss-transformation-journey?utm_source=chatgpt.com))

Lizzo’s journey underscores her dedication to health and self-love, inspiring many with her message that achieving personal goals is possible through determination and self-care.

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